A Study on the Influence of Organizational Culture on Innovation Management: A Case Study of Apple Inc

Last modified: May 11, 2022
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Project Title: A Study on the Influence of Organizational Culture on Innovation Management: A Case Study of Apple Inc
Author: Mr. Jhomphong Tomongkhon
Advisor: Associate Professor Dr. Qiu Chao
Degree: Master of Business Administration (International Program)
Major: International Business Management
Faculty: Graduate Schools
Academic year: 2021


Conference Proceedings
National and International Academic Conference “Empowering Innovtion and Sustainability in the Next Normal” 27 November 2021


Tomongkhon, Jhomphong. (2021). A study on the influence of organizational culture on innovation management: A case study of Apple Incance. (Master’s independent study). Bangkok: Master of Business Administration Siam University.


In many respects, organizational culture is considered a critical basis for innovation in companies. Innovation can be encouraged or held back by the culture of an organization. This study examined the influence of organizational culture on innovation management, a case study of Apple Inc. The study’s objective was to ascertain the existing organizational culture of Apple and evaluate its influence on the company’s innovation. A qualitative research approach was adopted in conducting the research, and pertinent information depicting the influence of Apple’s organizational culture on the company’s innovative management was collected from secondary sources of information. It was found that Apple is organized for innovation. The innovative personal cultures of the company’s founder have been successfully imposed on Apple’s organizational culture. It relies on the organizational culture that is primarily centered on functional expertise. This culture has indeed worked best for Apple in enhancing the company’s innovativeness across all its products. It has successfully made a business brand crazy across the world over its various product offerings in the market. In conclusion, it can be asserted that Apple’s organizational culture influences the company’s innovativeness.

Keywords: Organizational Culture, Innovation Management, Apple Inc.

A Study on the Influence of Organizational Culture on Innovation Management: A Case Study of Apple Inc

Master of Business Administration (International Program), Siam University, Bangkok, Thailand


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