The Implication of Socio-Political Conflict on National Development in Nigeria (A Cast Study of Religious and Ethnic Crisis in Kaduna)

Last modified: February 9, 2022
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Project Title: The Implication of Socio-Political Conflict on National Development in Nigeria (A Cast Study of Religious and Ethnic Crisis in Kaduna)
Author: Mr. Egwuonwu Isaac Anayo
Advisor: Dr. Tanakom Limsarun
Degree: Master of Business Administration (International Program)
Major: Human Resource Management
Faculty: Graduate Schools
Academic year: 2021


Conference Proceedings
11th NATIONAL ACADEMIC CONFERENCE OF 2019 “Professional management in a disruptive world” 30 March 2019


Egwuonwu, Isaac Anayo. (2021). The implication of socio-political conflict on national development in Nigeria (A cast study of religious and ethnic crisis in Kaduna). (Master’s independent study). Bangkok: Master of Business Administration Siam University.


Ethnicity and religion have played a significant role in individual lives and contemporary society. Equally of note is the alarming increase of ethnic and religious conflicts all over the world, yet, it is an indisputable fact that all religions promote peace and harmonious co-existence among its adherents. Against the above background, this research intends to critically examine the role of Religion and Ethnicism as a tool in causing social-political crises, often with unbearable and disastrous consequences. It is assumed that the core causes of social-political conflict in Kaduna State were as a result social inequalities, ethnicity, and religious affiliations that are inherent in the society. In the course of this research work, a sample population was selected, provided with a questionnaire, and their responses were analyzed using the simple percentage method. After the analysis, the researcher found that the government felt reluctant in the proper implementation of policies or programs that world tackles the social-political conflicts in the State. It also gathered that unemployment among the Youths contributed significantly to the social-political crisis in the state. Therefore, the opinion of the researcher has a strong view that the government should, as a matter of urgency, correct the anomalies. More importantly, followers of all religions should be advised to uphold the core moral values and strictly adhere to its teachings of faith, since all religions are peace-loving. The spirit of tolerance and cooperation should be encouraged so that Nigerians can live in harmony. Finally, there should be total war against the debilitating problems of ignorance, poverty, and diseases, thereby promoting a general well-being of the citizens. The study examined the implication of social-political conflict on National Development in Nigeria.

Keywords: Ethnicity, Religion, Social Political Conflict, National Development.

The Implication of Socio-Political Conflict on National Development in Nigeria (A Cast Study of Religious and Ethnic Crisis in Kaduna)

Master of Business Administration (International Program), Siam University, Bangkok, Thailand


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