The Influence of Brand Image on Consumer Buying Behavior: A Case Study of Coca Cola
Lu, Cheng. (2017). The influence of brand image on consumer buying behavior: A case study of Coca Cola. (Master’s independent study). Bangkok: Siam University.
Lu, Cheng. (2017). The influence of brand image on consumer buying behavior: A case study of Coca Cola. (Master’s independent study). Bangkok: Siam University.
Wang, Bangren. (2017). Online comment information on consumer purchasing decisions. (Independent study, Master of Business Administration). Bangkok: Siam University.
Jiqi, He. (2017). An empirical study on influencing factors of customer satisfaction to elimination mobile game. (Independent study, Master of Business Administration). Bangkok: Siam University.
Xueliang, Liu. (2017). Empirical research on influence factors of user’s satisfaction of mobile video application. (Independent study, Master of Business Administration). Bangkok: Siam University.
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Yixuan, Li. (2017). The study of WeChat in international marketing. (Independent study, Master of Business Administration). Bangkok: Siam University.
Xiaomin, Yang. (2017). Influential factor of Chinese College student online shopping behavior in Guangxi, China. (Independent study, Master of Business Administration). Bangkok: Siam University.
Shen, Qiu Yan Tang. (2017). The study of success factors of SME’S CRM practice in China. (Independent study, Master of Business Administration). Bangkok: Siam University.
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Ahmed, Faroque. (2017). Impact of organization culture on job satisfaction at Dhaka Wasa. (Independent study, Master of Business Administration). Bangkok: Siam University.
Hein, Sai Woon. (2017). A study of economics, political and environment factors affecting tourism development in Myanmar. (Independent study, Master of Business Administration). Bangkok: Siam University.
Yout, Ywe. (2017). An analysis of economic, legal and technological factors affecting hotel occupancy rates in Mandalay, Myanmar. (Independent study, Master of Business Administration). Bangkok: Siam University.