A Study of Factors Influencing on Start-Up Business: Failure and Success

Last modified: January 26, 2022
Estimated reading time: 1 min
Project Title: A Study of Factors Influencing on Start-Up Business: Failure and Success
Author: Mr. Nipuna Tookham
Advisor: Dr. Tanakom Limsarun
Degree: Master of Business Administration (International Program)
Major: International Business Management
Faculty: Graduate Schools
Academic year: 2021


Conference Proceedings
National and International Academic Conference “Innovation and Management for Sustainability” 9-10 July 2020


Tookham, Nipuna. (2021). A study of factors influencing on Start-Up business: Failure and success. (Master’s independent study). Bangkok: Master of Business Administration Siam University.


This article examines the factor influencing on the failure and success startup business or entrepreneurship. As this work was a document research, this study analyzes existing information on books, articles, magazines, pdfs files and websites describe the key factors dominate on recently and presently success and failure entrepreneurs, then alternate the most effective to start-up business. Several reasons were responsible for the failure and success of a startup. Some reasons had divided into two main factors; internal factors and external factors. Internal factors involve Personality of entrepreneurship, Digital marketing Skills, Teamwork, Innovation product and Timing, in order, external factors were Customer Behaviors or needs, Venture Capital, Government Support and Technology. The starting of new business easy but very rarely to continue develop in the rapidly changing of technologies development. The first success of a startup begins with a great idea which later turns into a great performer. This study aims to create youth entrepreneur to establish new companies to support the creation of wealth, employment and welfare.

Keywords: Start-up, Internal factors, External Factors.

A Study of Factors Influencing on Start-Up Business: Failure and Success

Master of Business Administration (International Program), Siam University, Bangkok, Thailand


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