Client and Sales Handling at Rising Mall
Shrestha, Priyasa. (2020). Client and Sales Handling of Rising Mall. Bangkok: Siam University.
Shrestha, Priyasa. (2020). Client and Sales Handling of Rising Mall. Bangkok: Siam University.
Shah, Adnan Ahmed. (2020). Relationship marketing: A case study of the Leather Industry. (Cooperative Education). Bangkok: Siam University.
Chapagain, T. (2020). Analysis of administrative and financial management of Richmond Fellowship Nepal. (Cooperative Education). Bangkok: Siam University.
Shrestha, R. (2020). Linkage between communication and marketing in food company in Nepal. (Cooperative Education). Bangkok: Siam University.
Goenka, S. (2020). Client and media handling at MARS advertising and research. (Cooperative Education). Bangkok: Siam University.
Shrestha, N. (2020). Suiro teas: Packaging design and digital marketing. (Cooperative Education). Bangkok: Siam University.
Joshi, S. (2018). Upaya: City cargo. (Cooperative Education). Bangkok: Faculty of Business Administration Siam University.
Maharjan, S. (2018). Study of B2B marketing of ERP solution provider. (Cooperative Education). Bangkok: Faculty of Business Administration Siam University.
Goyal, M. (2018). Experience gained from internship at Sunrise Appliances Private Limited. (Cooperative Education). Bangkok: Faculty of Business Administration Siam University.
Gorkhali, S. (2018). An organizational study on content and idea creation for brand identity. (Cooperative Education). Bangkok: Faculty of Business Administration Siam University.
Shrestha, R. (2020). The digital marketing services provided by Social Aves P. Ltd. to Cope with the Trend in Nepal. (Cooperative Education). Bangkok: Faculty of Business Administration, Siam University.
KC, D. (2019). Sustainable tourism: How sustainable tourism is important for tourism development. (Cooperative Education). Bangkok: Faculty of Business Administration, Siam University.
Dhakras, V. (2019). A study of social media marketing and customer relations. (Cooperative Education). Bangkok: Faculty of Business Administration, Siam University.
Niroula, B. (2019). Sales strategies of Panchakanya Group. (Cooperative Education). Bangkok: Faculty of Business Administration, Siam University.
More, Yash Vardhan. (2018). A study of new product development and branding for foreign market in Dog Treat Industry at Yak and Yeti. (Cooperative Education). Bangkok: Siam University.
Giri, Sumiran. (2018). Foreign exchange management system in Nepal: A glance at Nepal Rastra Bank. (Cooperative Education). Bangkok: Siam University.
Baniya, Neha. (2018). Understanding project management through event management. (Cooperative Education). Bangkok: Siam University.
Shrestha, Utsav. (2019). Client relationship management through feedbacks: A case study of International Sound Service. (Cooperative Education). Bangkok: Siam University.
Kansakarม Abhik Ratna. (2018). Changing nature of Everest Hotel. (Cooperative Education). Bangkok: Siam University.
Suwal, Sushant. (2018). Market of processed meat at Prime Foods & Delicatessen. (Cooperative Education). Bangkok: Business Administration Faculty Siam University.